We lost so many lives this year—lives that could’ve been saved if people just gave a damn for once. And I’m not referring to the close to 300 thousand Americans who have succumbed to the coronavirus....
I’ve been wanting to get this off my chest for a while and here it is—higher education is the new poverty pimp in Black communities with student loans being the latest form of predatory lending....
Middle class, suburban families, once likely opponents of education choice, are now rallying behind the right to choose where to send their children to school. All it took was a pandemic that...
While partisan politics has once again dominated the headlines this election season, the real stories lie with the thousands of newly-elected local officials across the country, including school...
The National Assessment for Education Progress (NAEP)—nicknamed “America’s Report Card”—released their 12th grade scores at the end of October. The horrifying results: Just 37% of 12th-graders...