When it comes to school choice, opportunity in theory isn’t enough. We must ensure that families have the know-how to exercise choice wisely and that students in every elementary school leave fully...
I thought I was ready. How hard could school enrollment be? Well, what if I told you the real parenting doesn’t start until your child enters kindergarten? Yes, it gets pretty real. If you thought...
I began my journey as a mother in November of 2013, seeing only the brightest future for my son. We slept the night that he was born and rose to the sun gleaming into our hospital room. My baby...
This week, the Chicago Board of Education voted to adopt a common enrollment process for high school admissions next year. This could be a great relief to the city’s eighth-graders and their families...
In any endeavor, great leadership can make all the difference. In public education, that’s been getting some renewed attention lately. The Washington, D.C. Public Schools recently honored the...