parent engagement
I Know I’ve Made the Best Choice for My Son When School Feels Like Family
Gifts come in all different shapes and sizes—a family vacation, a surprise birthday party, or flowers on Valentine’s Day. But I have received one of the best gifts I could ever imagine—and so has my...
School Quality
Help Other Parents Find the Best Schools for Their Kids by Sharing Your Story
When we want to improve things, we often talk about what is broken. But if we truly want to find solutions, we need to pay more attention to what is working. Education in America provides a perfect...
school leadership
Three Things I Learned in My First Year as a Principal and a New Year’s Resolution
If you ask an educator to think back to their first year of teaching, you will probably get a wide range of reactions, but the general consensus will likely be that it was a difficult year. This...
parent engagement
If We Really Want to Change Our Schools, We Need to Get Real About What's Happening in Them
Thirteen years after Hurricane Katrina and the reunification of all schools under the governing of Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB), we are still having conversations about how to make schools...
school leadership
How Kentucky’s Superintendent of the Year Got Autonomous Schools to Adopt the Same Curriculum
Understanding that the content we put in front of children matters, 50CAN, a nonprofit network of citizen advocates, recently held a session on the importance of curriculum and instructional...
Twas the Night Before the IEP Meeting
November is IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting time for most parents. This is dedicated to all of the parents preparing for their yearly IEP meetings. Twas the night before the IEP meeting...