For many teachers, the end of the school year not only serves as an opportunity to deeply reflect on how the year went, but also a time to reevaluate whether our current schools are still the right...
The American Rescue Plan is sending an additional $128 billion in federal dollars to elementary and secondary schools to help students recover from the difficult year of learning caused by the...
If our goal is to accelerate learning for those most impacted by the pandemic, we must make the most of the time that we have. We’ve known since TNTP’s The Opportunity Myth study that, all too often,...
This past year has been difficult for leaders, educators, students, parents, and activists alike, yet, it seems like they aren't really discussing how they are getting through it—or how they are...
The growing demand to reopen schools echoes across the country, supported by billions of dollars in federal funds to help schools “build back better.” States like California are backing the effort...
It’s no secret that pandemic isolation has hit hard—maybe even hardest—on young children and their caregivers. Young children are wired to be with people: parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins,...