Take Action

ACTION: Join the Movement for Child Justice


In our eight years, more than 2,000 voices have contributed to Ed Post, and more than 10 million people have read and shared their stories. 

But it’s not enough.

Now we are taking these powerful stories and essential voices and building a movement of 10 million Americans who are ready to do more. 

These are the parents who believe every family should have access to a great education regardless of zip code. These are the teachers who see the brilliance of every child and know that with the right support they can help them achieve their dreams. These are the students whose light is bright—if only we let it shine. 

This movement includes those policymakers and elected leaders whose North Star is always the welfare of our youth. And it includes all of the voters and community members who believe the value of our communities should be assessed by the question, “How are the children?”

Will you join us? 
