Let me drop some numbers on y’all real quick. We know that starting as early as Pre-K, Black students are three times more likely to be suspended and expelled from school than white students and...
Although the teaching profession is female dominated, many positions above school level are held by men. We see this in administration, at the district level, and our superintendents across the...
I laced up my sneakers after quietly rolling out of bed, hoping not to wake up my son, who often sneaks into my room at night. For a brief moment, I gazed at the rise and fall of his chest. His signs...
One of the best teachers I have ever known has a tattoo on the inside of her wrist of the snake from “The Little Prince.” She told me it was her reminder not to crush students’ dreams. Between the...
Recently, I came across a tweet that resonated with my beliefs: https://twitter.com/CocoCurls1517/status/1214887613536120833?s=20 This is problematic. As an educator, I know behavior and academics...