Episode 38: Leadership During a Crisis (ft. Jeb Bush)

Apr 21, 2020 12:00:00 AM

Lane and Chris Stewart talk to Jeb Bush about how the COVID-19 pandemic will permanently change education and politics in the United States. You'll learn how COVID-19 will catalyze education innovation, why school districts should not take a "data vacation" during COVID-19, and how COVID-19 is changing the way parents think about education. [spp-player url=http://traffic.libsyn.com/voices4ed/38_-_Education_Post_-_Jeb_Bush.mp3] [spp-tweet tweet="“To eliminate accountability because kids are quarantined in their houses would be a big mistake.” – Jeb Bush"]

Episode Details:

  • How COVID-19 will catalyze education innovation
  • Why school districts shouldn't take a “data vacation” during COVID-19
  • How states can track student progress during the pandemic
  • How the current economic slowdown may effect career and technical education
  • Is there even time to worry about education during the COVID-19 crisis?
  • How COVID-19 will change the way parents think about education

Links Mentioned:

[spp-tweet tweet="“After disruption– historically, economically, culturally, politically– comes all sorts of innovative approaches. People begin to think differently after they’ve gone through what is going to be a really traumatic difficult period.” – Jeb Bush"]

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