This story and accompanying videos were originally co-published by ProPublica and FRONTLINE as part of an ongoing collaboration. In April of 2021, Cecelia Lewis had just returned to Maryland from a...
While Twitter’s chock full of talk about Florida banning books that include “critical race theory (CRT),” there’s even more weirdness going on. Some background: Florida’s Department of Education...
Back in 2018, I ran across a story from the 1950s that seemed to illuminate some of the ugly political fights we were living through. True to the zeitgeist, I made a podcast episode about it. And...
The parent and community groups across the country who are scared of losing their power and control are convincing legislators to create laws that match their fears. The repeatedly banned book,...
Granted, we’ve experienced a plethora of “what the fuck” moments as educators over the past couple of years, but this new Indiana House Bill 1134, which is requiring teachers to submit a full year’s...