If you want to understand how education research can miss the forest for the trees, look no further than a recent report from a University of Maryland/Harvard University research team that found that...
As we celebrate and honor what would have been Malcolm X’s 97th birthday, I can’t help but think of his legacy in the context of today’s whitelash against speaking and teaching truth to the youth...
Stop what you’re doing and go thank a Black teacher. You may be reading this and unable to leave your classroom or current place of business. But whether online or in-person, take time out today to...
“I Fear I May Have Integrated My People Into a Burning House.” — Martin Luther King Jr. It is no secret that there is a widening diversity gap between our public school students and our public school...
The recent announcement by the US Department of Education to propose radical changes to the process by which charter schools must follow to open new schools is a dismal reminder of our education...