No group of human beings is a monolith. Transgender students are no exception to that. This Transgender Awareness Week (and all weeks) it’s on us as cisgender adults to do the work to learn how cool...
As educators, and also as community members, parents, and learners, the undersigned 2018 Teachers of the Year, rise in solidarity with Black Lives Matter against racism and hate. We mourn with our...
I was one of the lucky ones—gay kids, that is. My parents accepted me at an early age. On my 13th birthday, just as I was entering puberty, I came out to them—I told them I am gay. My mother and...
At the turn of the century, in 1999, I was graduating from high school, motivated to enter the teaching profession with a passion to reform school discipline practices and eliminate the...
Every single teacher reading this needs to come out today. You straight teachers might be asking yourself, “Who me?” Yes, you. [pullquote]I want you to come out today as an ally.[/pullquote] I invite...