I attended Mary Evelyn Castle Elementary School, Craig Middle School, and graduated from Lawrence North High School (Go Wildcats!). These are all schools in the Metropolitan School District of...
Do you remember when teachers were heroes? It was a pretty great week. I got a couple of Amazon gift cards from my students and a really nice email from a parent about how committed I was to making...
Once again, drama is flaring over Chicago Public Schools’ management of the pandemic. In the city of Chicago, more than 330,000 children are not learning today because last night, teachers voted to...
If I had a nickel for every time a school official uttered the phrase “unprecedented times” in the past year and a half, our schools wouldn’t need the American Rescue Plan. But you know what isn’t...
During a recent conversation, Murleen Coakley, principal of Greenfield Union in the Detroit Public Schools Community District, reminded me how much being a great principal is equal parts passion,...