Black Excellence in Education Dr. William Hayes, CEO of Boys' Latin of Philadelphia, joined the most recent episode of Freedom Friday. Boys Latin follows a college-preparatory model for educating...
The System & Self-Determination Let's explore the "FREE Initiative," with its creator, Ian Rowe, an academic and educator from the American Enterprise Institute. He identifies four key pillars -...
Freedom Friday - On Youth Activism This week on the Freedom Friday live stream, Chris and Sharif discussed the youth activism we are witnessing play out in Nashville, Tennessee following yet another...
Educator and anti-racism activist Jane Elliott, known for her "Blue eyes/Brown eyes" exercise, joins us to talk about the role white women play in education and upholding racist systems. She also...
In this special edition episode of Building the Black Educator Pipeline, host Shayna Terrell and Dr. Greg Carr (Chair of the department of Afro-American studies at Howard University) attempt to bring...