Oklahoma Parents Dreamed Big and Built Their Own School
What would happen if you sat a group of parents down and asked them, “In an ideal world, what would education look like for our children?” On Tuesday, December 1, you can find out all about it during...
parent engagement
Karega Rausch Says Charter Schools Get Better Outcomes for Kids When They Listen to Communities
With all the ruckus around charter schools, it’s easy to forget they can’t be painted with a broad brush. Each state has its own charter school law, its own educational politics, its own ways of...
remote learning
Remote Learning Isn’t Great. Whining Is Worse.
My kids are upstairs pretending to learn. My wife and I know they aren’t engaged. Their teachers range from earnest to weird. The most challenging parts of their curriculum also seem to be the parts...
Dear Black Students, Your Freedom Will Not Come From What You Learn in School
The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. Audre Lorde Dear Black Students: I understand how frustrating it must be to see all the anti-Blackness in the world now and feel unprepared...
educational justice
This School Really Called the Police on a Black Child for Playing With a Toy Gun on Camera
Recently, I saw a mother post on Facebook about how her son’s school called the cops on her child. In the post, the mother details how her son is playing with a toy gun during one of his online...
How I'm Helping My Child With Special Needs Navigate Remote Learning
My children always start school two weeks before everyone else. So after two weeks of e-learning—or what I am calling two-weeks “in the trenches”—I feel like I am ready to offer suggestions to all...