Every day girls are being pushed out of the classroom. Some of them are unseen. Many of them are unheard. And too often they are victims of discrimination and untreated trauma. About a year ago the...
I’m wrapping up my first year of medical school and while it’s been pretty hard, it’s all going to be worth it when I can return to the Navajo Nation, and serve the community where I grew up. I want...
Brad Jupp is a former teacher with the Denver Public Schools who worked in the U.S. Department of Education during the Obama administration. More recently he has become the Chief School...
Native American Heritage Month
Christina Torres was inspired to write this speech on the Dakota Access Pipeline after completing coursework influenced by the Common Core State Standards at the Academy for Global Citizenship. Click...
Native American Heritage Month
I was thrilled to read about XQ: The Super School Project, the kind of movement it will create, the opportunities it will provide to students in our high schools, and the impact such schools will...